


作者:高一英语组 黎静 来源: 发布时间:2014年01月10日


重点词句只有结合语境记忆,才能印象深刻,记忆长久。很多高考题来自课本原句或类似语境。如:One of the best ways for people to keep fit is to develop healthy eating habits. As I grew up in a small town at the foot of a mountain, the visit to the village called up scenes of my childhood. If we can get over our present difficulties, then everything should be all right.The teacher stressed again that the students should not leave out any important details while retelling the story. In modern times, people have to learn to live with all kinds of pressure although they are leading a comfortable life.  When she first arrived in China, she wondered what the future might have in store for her, but now all her worries are gone.,只有建立在语境理解的基础上,才能转化为灵活应用能力。


将每单元意义多,用法多的词要查字典,进行归纳记忆。高考多项选择很多句子经常出自权威字典原句,或根据字典句子改编。如Surely it doesn’t matter where charities get their money; what counts is what they do with it. (Collins) / Surely it doesn’t matter where the student associations get their money from, what counts is what they do with it. The peace talk between the two countries broke down (来自Longman字典原句).


很多学生只对课文中出现的单词意义熟悉,而课文中没有出现的意义,或课文复现率不高的重点单词往往忽视,所以要注意生词表中的一词多义。高考考点有时不局限于课文意义。如:Though having lived abroad for years, many Chinese still observe the traditional customs. As nobody here knows what is wrong with the machine, we must send for an engineer to handle the problem.

四、 联想归类, 融会贯通。

比如:易混易错的词lay, lie / rise, raise /adapt, adopt / sit, seat / hope, wish, expect / hit, beat, strike等。动词构成的常用词组: agree on / to / with; carry on / out / away; cut off / out / down; die down / off / away等。同类搭配结构归类:cure / rob / warn / inform / remind / cheat / expect…+ sb + of…语法功能归类:使役动词;感官动词;联系动词;从句中用should + 原形动词的动词;接不定式和动名词有区别的动词等等。


学习最终目的就是会运用。对课文中的重点句子要留心观察,懂得分析和理解句子或句型结构,并能模仿造句、替换、转换和改写,学会灵活运用。如Where someone is born is not as important as what he grows up to be.(课本).--- What someone says is not as important as what he does.(模仿);live a miserable life(课本)---live a romantic life(替换);All that was left to be conquered was…(课本). --- what was left …/ what remained to be done was…(转换);I have never seen such a person before---Never before have I seen such a person.(改写). treat sb to sth---他经常请他的朋友看电影/吃冰激凌(造句)。



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